Understanding and Solving Encoding Issues

When working with strings in VB.NET, you might have encountered an issue where the £ (pound) symbol is converted into a ? when displayed, saved, or transmitted. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re dealing with currencies, international characters, or special symbols. In this blog, we’ll explore why this happens and how to fix it using proper encoding techniques in VB.NET.

What’s Going On?

The ? symbol is a placeholder for characters that can’t be displayed or processed by the system due to an encoding mismatch. Encodings tell a system how to represent characters as bytes, which is essential when dealing with text data. If your chosen encoding doesn’t support certain characters, like the £ symbol, the system replaces them with a ? to indicate an unrecognized character.

What Is Encoding?

Character encoding is a system that assigns numbers to characters so they can be stored in computers or transmitted over networks. There are various types of encodings, but two of the most common are:

  • ASCII: Can only represent 128 characters, mostly English letters, digits, and basic punctuation. It doesn’t support characters like £, hence the issue.
  • UTF-8: A more versatile encoding that supports a wide range of characters, including £, accented letters, and characters from many world languages.

Common Reasons for the £ Symbol Turning into “?”

1. Wrong Encoding

The most common cause of the issue is that your string is being processed using an encoding that doesn’t support the £ symbol. For example, if your program is using ASCII or another limited encoding, characters like £ may not be represented correctly.

Solution: Use UTF-8 Encoding

UTF-8 can handle the £ symbol without any issues. Here’s how to explicitly use UTF-8 encoding in your VB.NET application:

Imports System.Text

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Input string with £ sign
        Dim inputString As String = "Price: £100"

        ' Convert the string to a UTF-8 byte array
        Dim utf8Bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputString)

        ' Convert the UTF-8 byte array back to a string
        Dim outputString As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes)

        ' Output the reconstructed string
        Console.WriteLine(outputString)  ' This should correctly display the £ sign
    End Sub
End Module

2. Console or Text Output Encoding

When printing strings to the console or other text outputs, the encoding used by the console might not support the £ sign. In some environments, the default encoding for console output is not UTF-8, which can lead to the issue.

Solution: Set Console Output to UTF-8

You can change the console’s encoding to UTF-8 explicitly, ensuring that characters like £ are displayed correctly.

Imports System.Text

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Ensure console output is using UTF-8 encoding
        Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8

        ' Input string with £ sign
        Dim inputString As String = "Price: £100"

        ' Output the string
        Console.WriteLine(inputString)  ' This should correctly display the £ sign
    End Sub
End Module

3. File Encoding Issues

If you’re reading from or writing to a file, and the encoding is not properly set to handle special characters, you may encounter the same issue. Some files may be saved in an encoding that doesn’t support the £ sign, which results in incorrect characters being displayed when the file is read.

Solution: Use UTF-8 Encoding When Reading and Writing Files

Ensure you’re using UTF-8 when handling files to correctly process characters like £.

Writing to a file using UTF-8:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Input string with £ sign
        Dim inputString As String = "Price: £100"

        ' Write the string to a file with UTF-8 encoding
        File.WriteAllText("output.txt", inputString, Encoding.UTF8)
    End Sub
End Module

Reading from a file using UTF-8:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Read the string from a file with UTF-8 encoding
        Dim inputString As String = File.ReadAllText("output.txt", Encoding.UTF8)

        ' Output the string to console
    End Sub
End Module

By ensuring that both reading and writing processes use UTF-8, you prevent any data corruption or encoding mismatches.

4. Database Encoding (If Applicable)

If you’re working with databases, the encoding used by the database and its tables might not support special characters like £. In such cases, the database replaces unsupported characters with ? when storing or retrieving data.

Solution: Ensure Your Database Uses UTF-8 or Unicode Encoding

Make sure that the database and its relevant tables are set to use UTF-8 or another Unicode-compatible encoding. This ensures that the data stored and retrieved can handle special characters like the £ symbol.

Key Takeaways

  1. Encoding Matters: If you encounter characters like the £ symbol turning into ?, it’s likely due to an encoding mismatch. Using limited encodings such as ASCII will not support special characters.
  2. UTF-8 Is Your Friend: Always ensure you’re using UTF-8 or another Unicode-compatible encoding when handling strings, especially in a globalized environment where you may deal with diverse characters.
  3. Check All Output Methods: Whether it’s console output, file I/O, or databases, ensure that each process handling text data supports the encoding required to display your characters correctly.


Working with text in programming requires a good understanding of encoding, especially when dealing with characters outside of the basic English alphabet. If the £ sign is turning into a ? in your VB.NET code, you can usually fix it by ensuring that UTF-8 is being used across your system for string handling, console output, file I/O, and database operations.

By using UTF-8, you’ll be able to handle not just the £ sign, but characters from any language around the world, ensuring your applications are both robust and international-friendly!

Why special characters e.g. £ (pound) Turning into a “?” in VB.NET?

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