
How to Copy Files from Linux to a Remote Server

Copying files from your local Linux system to a remote server is a common task that can be accomplished using several tools and protocols. Whether you’re transferring files for backup purposes, deployment, or collaboration, this guide will walk you through the most reliable methods to get your files where they need to go.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using SCP (Secure Copy)
  3. Using Rsync (Remote Sync)
  4. Using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
  5. Using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  6. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Transferring files between systems is a fundamental task in systems administration and development workflows. Linux provides multiple tools to facilitate secure and efficient file transfers, each suited for different scenarios. Below, we explore these tools in detail.

2. Using SCP (Secure Copy)

scp is one of the simplest and most secure ways to copy files between Linux systems. It leverages SSH (Secure Shell) to ensure the files are transferred securely.

Basic Syntax:

scp /path/to/local/file username@remote_server:/path/to/remote/directory


scp /home/user/file.txt user@remote_server:/home/user/destination/

This command will copy file.txt from your local machine to the specified directory on the remote server.

3. Using Rsync (Remote Sync)

rsync is a powerful tool that not only copies files but also synchronizes directories efficiently by transferring only the changes made to files.

Basic Syntax:

rsync -avz /path/to/local/file username@remote_server:/path/to/remote/directory


rsync -avz /home/user/file.txt user@remote_server:/home/user/destination/

The -a flag preserves the file permissions and times, -v enables verbose output, and -z compresses the data during transfer.

4. Using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

sftp is an interactive file transfer program, similar to ftp, but more secure as it runs over SSH.

Basic Syntax:

sftp username@remote_server

Example Session:

sftp user@remote_server

Within the sftp session:

sftp> put /path/to/local/file /path/to/remote/directory
sftp> bye

This will securely upload the specified file to the remote server.

5. Using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

For legacy systems or specific use cases, ftp can still be used, though it is less secure compared to the other methods.

Basic Syntax:

ftp remote_server

Example Session:

Name ( yourusername
ftp> cd /path/to/remote/directory
ftp> put /path/to/local/file
ftp> bye

6. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Bad Protocol or Algorithm Errors

You might encounter errors like “bad protocol 2 host key algorithms ‘+ssh-rsa,ssh-dss'”. This often occurs due to deprecated algorithms. To fix this, you can explicitly specify the algorithms in your SSH or SCP commands.


scp -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa /path/to/local/file user@remote_server:/path/to/remote/directory

Permission Issues

If you encounter “Permission denied” errors, ensure that you have the correct permissions to write to the target directory on the remote server.

Example SSH Command to Check Permissions:

ssh user@remote_server
cd /path/to/remote/directory
ls -l

7. Conclusion

Transferring files from a Linux system to a remote server is a routine but critical task. By using tools like scp, rsync, sftp, and ftp, you can ensure your files are transferred securely and efficiently. Each tool has its strengths, so choose the one that best fits your needs. With the information provided in this guide, you should be well-equipped to handle file transfers in various environments.

By mastering these file transfer methods, you can enhance your workflow efficiency and ensure secure data handling between systems. Happy transferring!

Copy Files from Linux to a Remote Server

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